Organizing My Life!

We are over halfway through the month of January 2017 already.  Have you gotten the chance to make some new year's resolution or set some goals for this year?  Making major commitments like a hard core workout plan or dropping certain food groups just doesn't work for me.  I over commit myself at the beginning of each year only to feel overwhelmed with the feeling of failure.  Not this year!  Oh no...I just picked small goals that I could take baby steps to achieve.  One thing I wanted to work on was time management.  I know, time management isn't a 'small' goal for some people, BUT...that was the thing I wanted to tackle in 2017...gradually and in a way that will work for me without feeling overly committed to doing one major thing that I knew I couldn't handle.

So, my plan...was to get a nice planner for 2017.  I came across THE BEST planner ever while Christmas shopping for gifts.  I actually got one for a dear friend as a gift and decided I needed one as well.  I usually wouldn't splurge on a planner but in this case...I was getting a great deal since it was the holidays AND this planner was a must have for me!  I'll tell you why!  

First they come in three sizes, the largest one is about the size of a regular notebook paper, the smallest is about the size of a 5x7 picture (I think)...I chose to go with the middle size.  It's not too small to write in (I write big) but not too big where I wouldn't want to carry it around with me.  The medium size one still fits in my purse.

The front and back covers are laminated so it feels thick and sturdy, not easily bent.  The spiral binding makes it easy to open to whichever page you'd want and you flip the front cover all the way to the back for easy writing or resting in your lap.

Inside has the yearly calendar for 2017 AND 2018, then there are monthly calendars followed by the weekly calendars for each month.  Each month are sectioned off with tabs to make easy access to any month you want.

Not only the covers and inside are so colorfully designed, there are sheets of stickers!!!  Stickers to help you keep track of dates:  birthdays, appointments, vacations, and so much more.  That's not it, there's a built in pocket folder AND a clear ziplock pouch to hold items like pencils, erasers, and paper clips.

I couldn't wait to use this planner.  I busted this thing open as soon and 2017 was here!  I didn't even know where to begin.  Oh yeah, there's also a page to list everyone's birthday for each month, a section to list contact information and a few sheets for note taking!  Whoever designed this planner thought of it all..and made is so colorful and fun to use.

I carry it everyday with me, pretty much everywhere I go that I take my purse.  The weekly calendar has really kept me organized from week to week.  I am able to keep up with my husband's work schedule, the kids school schedule, the kids sports, appointments of all sorts, upcoming vacations and so much more.  

So as I have fun writing in my planner, it's slowly organizing my time everyday and help me keep track of my life's event.  I don't even feel like I'm 'working' at a goal, writing in my planner is just an everyday thing now, like brushing my teeth.  The only difference is that writing in the planner is soooooo much more fun!

first page after opening the cover

montly calendar

weekly calendar

tabs of each month
page of stickers

another page of stickers


Road Mom

No more waking up in the middle of the night to make bottles, no more changing dirty diapers, and no more hauling heavy strollers around...but different kind of challenges has evolved as the children grew out of their baby stages.  With a freshman in high school and a first grader on my hands...I have a new home and it moves around on four wheels.

I am not alone in this, many moms spend lots of hours in the day behind the steering wheel of their car.  For me, a typical day may consist of:  dropping my daughter off at school (fortunately my husband is able to drop our son off in the mornings), drive to work, leave work to run one or two quick errands (could be pumping gas, stopping by the bank, picking something an item at the store), drive over to my son's school for pick up, then it's over to track practice for my daughter, and depending on what day it is...there's Tae Kwon Do class.  My son is trying out different recreational sports right now so that changes up my schedule from season to season.  Now that would be a typical day, of course there are days when more errands are factored in, perhaps meetings, and multiple stops to the store for whatever reason.

To all you "Road Moms"...I relate to you and I feel your exhaustion.  But exhaustion doesn't excuse us from feeding our family!  Going through the fast food drive through is not only unhealthy and can get costly, after awhile the food just all taste crappy.  Do I suggest you go home after a long day of unpaid ubering to go slave over the stove for a three course meal?  HECK TO THE NO!  No honey...mama ain't got time for that.  My answer...CROCKPOT.

Your new best friend is the crockpot.  Figure out when is the most convenient time for you to chop and prep your ingredients to throw in the crockpot, for some it may be early in the morning and for some you prefer to do it late at night and have it all ready by the next morning.  For me it would work best in the morning before I leave the house, this way there is one less thing to do during the day...but I like to get my sleep in too so I will procrastinate and get home somewhere in the middle of the day to throw in my ingredients and have it cooked by dinner time when we all finally make it home.  I also prefer that sometimes because I love my food piping hot...nothing like burning the taste buds right off your tongue.  Below are some crockpot recipes that I've tried myself that I think are easy and taste really good.  Not all 'easy' recipes online are easy, or turn out the way it says it always try out new recipes on your day off first and NOT on a busy weekday when you come home starving.

*Photos below are from Pinterest (not of my own).  I am sharing them because I have tried them, not to take credit for.
 Cilantro Lime Chicken Tacos
Cilantro Lime Chicken Tacos
Honey Garlic Chicken and Veggies

Beef Stew