Vacations Are Remembered

Vacationing just wasn't part of growing up for me.  I was so disconnected with the idea of vacationing and I carried that empty thought of it into my adulthood.  It seems my parents also lacked the experiences of taking trips in their upbringing, so they both just focused really hard on working and raising us kids.

It wasn't until I met my husband that I was introduced to a whole new way of living, a way where you would take a break from everyday life and take a trip somewhere!  Although that sounds so normal for many of you, it was so foreign to me at that time!  I was told by him that he and his family would take a family vacation together at least once a year and have been doing that for as long as he can remember.  Wow, once a year...I don't know if I was even doing once every five years...matter fact, the only time I could remember going out of town was to visit relatives or to flee from a forest fire or an earthquake warning...but not an actual planned trip to go relax and have fun.

On a cruise ship

So my husband wasn't making it up when he said his family would take a trip together at least once a year.  Since I was engaged to him until now, we have went on vacation at least once a year...sometimes twice...there may have even been three trips in one year somewhere.  I wasn't going to break his family's tradition or get in the way of something they've done and enjoyed way before I was in the picture, but after just the first two or three trips I was well out of my comfort zone.  I actually got irritated when he would mention the word vacation.  I felt guilt each and every time I would request to take off from work, leave my responsibilities behind, and leave town.  I didn't like this idea of vacationing, I didn't like that the idea wasn't just an idea and that it really became real life.  This was wrong to me, it felt so wrong to go on vacation this much...even once a year was too much.

Myrtle Beach, SC
Over eight years of marriage and after so many vacations together, I have a new perspective on the whole 'vacationing idea'.  You see, I had it embedded in my brain that we are suppose to work and fulfill responsibilities at all times.  I was interpreting taking a break as being lazy.  Stopping work and taking breaks was foolishness.  Now I see that the foolishness is working yourself to death and never taking a break to enjoy a bit of your life especially with the ones you love.

Saphire Valley, NC
There came a point where I used the excuse to my husband "But I have to work".  His response was, "work will always be there for you when you come back, it's not going anywhere."  He had a point.  Work will be waiting for me, bills will be waiting for me, chores will be waiting for me...point is...things aren't going anywhere, I could go and come back and pick up right where I left off.  Even better, I would be recharged and perhaps more motivated at tackling things in my everyday life.

There are retirees I know that all they have to reminisce about are the days they spent working, either at their jobs or at home doing house work.  Those retirees are now looking back wishing that they spent more time traveling, seeing the world and making great memories. 

New York
A man once told me, "you're children will never remember the things you buy them but they will always remember trips they've gone on".  It's true!!!  Honestly, I can't even remember the stuff I bought my own children, but I could visualize just about every trip we took together!  

I appreciate every break I get, whether by myself or with my family.  It's still sometimes a little hard to just drop and go, something always seem to be going on but once I go and come back I'm always glad I went.  

Traveling can be exhausting, but it's still fun.

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